Caller experiences are often broken – the research is clear on this. People complain frequently about the same issues: waiting too long, transfers and low first time resolution and agents not having the right information. Obviously customer service professionals don’t set out to achieve this situation. Not being able to solve these problems is as frustrating for customer service professionals as it is for callers.
| 86% of consumers quit doing business with a company because of a bad #CX
The tools and capabilities available today are vastly more powerful than 10 years ago. So why are the problems still so stubbornly difficult to solve? They relate to integrated communications and business process automation.
The infographic on ‘How to heal broken customer experiences’ below analyzes the key causes of the difficulty and explain the solution. Essentially just having new tools or capabilities is not enough: to take advantage of the myriad powerful interfaces (APIs) available, a different approach is needed.
The no-code platform is an approach to service design which empowers users to build communications processes flexibly, with no programming required: one simple UI directly controls complex automated integration actions to create outstanding customer experiences. Unfortunately companies and most vendors are ignoring this dynamic, and are not capable of building fully integrated processes.
| 58% of consumers are frustrated by inconsistent experiences across channels
Find out how to steer your customer service towards unprecedented efficiency. Achieving this hinges on having:
- the right strategy to leverage the API economy
- the right integration and automation tools
- how you execute based on that strategy
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If you want to find out more, check out how no-code process automation can radically optimize your service.